Experimental Flash Logo


  • 12-21-09
       So, Christmas is around the corner for most of us. Umm...I updated the site. Hale Cartoon.
       Umm... 600 hits but other than that nothing really exciting.

  • 11-30-09
       Sorry. haven't been doing much...only THIS. Check it out. It's a chemistry game I'm making
       for mah teachah! The first 5 levels of the first minigame of five minigames is done.
  • 11-18-09
       Figured it out! Snake has re-playability now!
  • 11-15-09 Later
       Snake has some new modes...you still have to refresh to play it again though...
  • 11-15-09
       So, all that stuff I promised you didn't actually come out until today. And you expected better
       of me. HA!
  • 11-13-09
       Well, Captain Greenthumb episode 5 is out, I have over 500 visitors, and I have an
       AS3 snake gam
e. Not bad for A MONTH!! Well, like 3 weeks.

       Also, my school took first in a math competition! Yay! Woohoo. Don't creep on

       Fine I'll do it... 500 VISITORS!!
  • 10-26-09
       CGT Comic episode 2 is out NOAW!!!
  • 10-25-09
       Captain Greenthumb is making his debut on the new Comic page. Go there now!
  • 10-17-09
       Oh, the site editor must have abandoned the site...WRONG!! I've actually been at this place
       called..."school", where you have to do "homework", which gives you no time for "hobbies".

       Anyway...I'm going to redo Brickbreaker, because it is an awesome freakin game, and it's
       amazing and spectacular...So expect an update maybe within the week? One of my three
       extremely large and arduous school projects is done...just two more to go! I H8 Theo...

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