- 11-17-08
things on the site got updated, but not
much else. I'll probably work on the
new tut.
- 11-13-08
Facelift! Heh, called it. Totally on me.
Anyway like the new look? I'm thinkin
I do. Anyway its a nice spacious area
to type on. And I love the graphics!
Btw, gotta say though, they aren't
mine. Well, I didn't HAVE to say that
but I know I can't draw that cool of
- 11-10-08
The games section got two new things.
One is done and the other is...not
done. Alien force isn't done. It's going
to be a Space Invaders clone. But with
other cool stuff.
- 11-06-08
Just a small update. Nothing got
updated. Except the news. I'm having
another lazy streak and I don't see it
ending soon.