- 12-22-08
for...well since two weeks ago. And, as for the banner:
The banner will go where the pre-banner says the new banner will go since the pre-banner
says "The new banner will go here" so the banner will go where the pre-banner is now.
- 12-16-08, practically 12-17-08
/preloader/logo/spam.swf for my site. I'm too tired to be funny right now, as if I
ever were.
- 12-11-08
decimal point work. I'm just gonna do the other stuff and 'eventually' do a decimal point.
EDIT: Calculator 2.0 is on the site! The #*&%ing decimal still doesn't work, but
still, it's an awesome calculator.
- 12-10-08
if you used...!!My New Calculator!! Yes, I'm redoing my calculator. Thanks to
me reviewing and refining my code, I cut about 300 lines worth of crap off. It's
still very lengthy at 380+ lines, but that smaller code gave me the inspiration to make
more functions! I'll be adding trig and power buttons. And I'll also try to get the
decimal button to work. Maybe around 9:00-10:00 I'll put it up.
In unrelated news, I'm taking off the tutorial pages mostly because I never work on
them, but also because I suck.
- 12-09-08
two. Oh well. Hey, I'm making a calculator, entirely with code in the frame. You
know like functions and stuff. Maybe you don't know. I'll post the unfinished
product in the "Games" page, so you can see what it looks like, maybe around 9:00.
- 12-04-08
coming along so goodily.
Starting DECEMBER!!! (Yes, that was necessary) I'm
going to start making my news go all the way across the screen, like this. So, that
will make it a lot easier on me with the new layout, ya know the skullz and stuff.
And by the way...
~`-'~ 100 Hits!!! ~'-`~